Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Palestine Syndrome

I am experiencing Palestine Syndrome these last few days. I have been feeling so emotionally exhausted and overwhelmed by what I have seen and heard here that I am unable to absorb any more stories , in fact part of me does not want to hear any more stories or see any more demolished homes , deserted streets and failing businesses cos i just don't know what to do with the information. I could cry 24/7 and certainly I've done my fair share but it now seems my body has shut down. I have an overwhelming desire to sleep for hours and hours and hours and not get up. This is my experience and I have only been here for a matter of days. I cannot begin to imagine a life here.

However am slightly improved today after spending yesterday afternoon at the Turkish baths in an attempt to revitalise myself. I find myself torn between never wanting to leave the Palestinian people, they are truly amazing, the kindest and most hospitable I have ever met although the lamb sandwich I was given this morning I could have done without! On the other hand i feel that i want to get away from here because of the distress the situation here is causing me. Things are worse here than I ever anticipated.

It do however feel privileged to be here and wouldn't swap this experience for the world but am ready to experience life as i know it. We are so so lucky to have the freedom we have in the UK.
Liz x


Gini said...

Dear Sonja and Liz,
I am sending you a big, knitted, snuggly blanket of love to wrap around you.
Thinking of you with love and respect,
Gini xx

reallyratherrolfe said...

Hey guys,
Pretty hard to follow your posts with mundanities... but hello anyway from sunny Kampala. Feeling sleep deprived but good to be back in the Africa. Keep updating! - checking every few hours - its a little obsessional but good to hear from you both.
Take care lovelies.
Ben x